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Cashboard - Powerful but never complicated

Cashboard App is your Dashboart to compute expenses and deposits creating reports in order to share the costs among a group of persons. It takes only a couple of minutes to learn Cashboard, but your expenses and deposits will be at any time under control. It runs in the cloud - so it's always in sync. This means your members can access the system to track expenses, deposits, and reports wherever they are.

How does it work
1. Persons register on MsFons.com
2. Cashboard Responsible connects with all Persons
3. Define Groups and Accounts (Owner)
4. Create Cashboard
5. Select Persons and Accounts
6. Insert Transactions
7. Check Reports

To help you to get started, we've gathered additional information and explication that should help you going in the right direction.


1. Registration at MsFons

Start your browser at the page www.msfons.com then click on Login / Register. At the registration page insert your information at "Are you a new User" then follows the registration instructions.

2. Connect to the members

Each person has to be connected with the Cashboard responsible using the Application "Network" by clicking on "Application / Network / Add Contact".

Tick the information that you want to share, write a request text (optional, the application already generates a standard text) and search the person by inserting the Last Name or First Name and Nickname then click on “Request Connection”.

3. Groups and Accounts List

Group defines a group of accounts that you can select during the insertion of transactions to order your expenses or payments.

An example of group and accounts is shown below.



To insert a new type of group, no one of the records has to be selected. Type the group in the box above the group list then click “Save”.

To update, select the related group name, modify it then click “Save”.

To delete, select the related group name then click “Delete”. By deleting the group, it will delete also the connected accounts.
Attention: It will be possible to delete a group only if no one of the accounts is connected to a transaction.


To insert a new account, no one of the records has to be selected. Type the account in the box above the accounts list then click “Save”

To update, select the related account name, modify it then click “Save”.

To delete, select the related account name then click “Delete”.
Attention: It will be possible to delete an account only if no one of the account is connected to a transaction.

Cost Check Box

The accounts that have the box checked are processed as expenses. If not checked is a deposit e.g. a money transfer from one person to one or more others persons.

Create your Cashboard

4. Create / Update / Delete Cashboard

Select the application Cashboard then select one of the following function:

  • Create: click on “Add Cash”
  • Update: select the related cashboard on the Cashboard List then click “Update Cash”
  • Delete*: select the related cashboard on the Cashboard List then click “Delete Cash”

* By deleting a Cashboard, you will delete all information connected and no restore is available.

By Adding or Updating a Cash board, the following information are required:


Cash Currency: The Responsible sets the reference currency. All transactions must be exchanged with this currency.

Currency Round Digit: Sets the currency digit, e.g. for USD, EUR that use cents the round digit is 2.

5. Persons / Accounts

After inserting the basic cashboard information, person and type of account are required. Click on Insert / Update

Insert / Update Persons

Select one or more person (using shift or Ctrl) in the list then click the arrow to insert or remove the person(s).

Cashboard Right

The Owner and Admin can change the right for each member of the related cashboard.

It has only the possibility to look the Transactions and Reports.

In addition to “None”, it can insert Transactions.

In addition to “Master”, it can approve transaction. Only approved transaction will be computed in the reports. It can also insert and remove person(s).

In addition to “Admin”, It creates the cashboard and select the Group and Accounts.

Insert / Update Account

The “Owner” selects the Accounts that will be available on the list to be associated to the Transactions.
After clicking on one element of the Group, select one or more Account and insert or remove using ">" or "<".
With the arrow “˄” and “˅” it will be possible to move up or down one account on the selection list and in the Expenses' report.

Insert and Check Transactions

6. Transactions

In four simple step you can enter your expenses or deposits in the Cashboard:

  • 1) Insert / Update Transaction
  • 2) Insert / Update Payment
  • 3) Insert / Update Cost
  • 4) Save – Update / Delete Transaction

1) Insert / Update Transaction

Basic information of the deposit / expenses:

  • Amount: Total amount of the transaction.
  • Currency: You define the currency with up to 5 characters. By double clicking, you save the current text (it will appear by opening or refreshing the page). By saving, it remains the last inserted value.
  • Exchange Rate: Exchange to the Cashboard currency (e.g. USD). By changing the value, the Amount[xxx] will be computed automatically. By double clicking, you save the current value (it will appear by opening or refreshing the page). By saving, it remains the last inserted value.
  • Amount[xxx]: Amount of the Cashboard currency. By changing the value, the exchange rate will be computed automatically.
  • Account: List of account previously selected in the Cashboard information.
  • Approve: Each transaction has to be approved by the Owner or Admin to be computed in the reports. This function is to check the transaction inserted or modified by the Master.

2) Insert / Update Payment

When the box Person is checked, you have the possibility to select person(s) who is(are) making the deposit / payment.

Attention: By unchecking the Person box, the system puts automatically the value divided by the number of persons.

You have the possibility to modify the value of each person, e.g. Jane 100.00 and John 220.00. The system is making the sum of both value, Amount and Amount[xxx], and if the sum is not equal to the value inserted in step 1, it will show the value of the sum.

3) Insert / Update Cost

Same as function #2 but for the transaction’s cost.

4) Save - Update / Delete

When all information is inserted correctly, the "Save" button will be activated and will be possible to save the new or update the transaction.

Only Owner and Admin have the possibility to delete a transaction.

Person List
By clicking person list you open a new page. Here you have the option to remove / restore the person that will be shown on the lists of the transaction page. This feature is used when a member during the period will leave or a new one is coming.

Select the person then activate or deactivate “Show Person”.

7. Reports

Five reports are available by selecting the report type and / or the person:

  • 1) Persons
  • 2) Transactions
  • 3) Details
  • 4) Exchange
  • 5) Currency

Number 1 and 2 are general for all participant. Number 3, 4, and 5 are for the selected person.

1) Persons

Displays an overview of the total Costs, Payments and Deposits for each participant. The Balance is computed by subtracting from the Total Costs the Total Payments and the Total Deposits.

2) Transactions

Displays the transactions by the account type.

3) Details

Each participant has a detail list of the transactions with the payments done and the amount of the related costs.

4) Exchange

Same as # 3 but in addition are shown the information of the Amount with the Currency used and the Exchange rate. If the transaction includes for the selected person both amount, Payment and Cost, it will be split in two rows.

5) Currency

For each currency is shown the payments made by the selected person. This report allows to have a check of all amount paid for the different currencies.

MsFons Sagl
Vicolo del Ciòss 4
6964 Davesco-Soragno

Contact: info@msfons.com

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Information on MsFons: Privacy Statement | Commercial Register

V 1.0.0 | © Copyright 2010-2025 MsFons. All rights reserved.  

MsFons Sagl
Vicolo del Ciòss 4
6964 Davesco-Soragno

Contact: info@msfons.com

Copying, editing, modifying, distributing, sharing, linking or any other use (whether for commercial purposes or otherwise) of this material, other than personal viewing, without MsFons's prior written permission is strictly prohibited.

Information on MsFons: Privacy Statement | Commercial Register

V 1.0.0 | © Copyright 2010-2025 MsFons. All rights reserved.